Fundraise for Us

Your support fuels our mission: building positive relationships for every Australian child in care, equipping them with skills and confidence. Thank you for choosing The Pyjama Foundation.

Planning to fundraise for us?

Whether it's a group or work event or a personal endeavour, get in touch with our fundraising team to get approval (and support in any way), to start making a difference. We’re here to help your fundraising event reach new heights.
Contact us via

How your support makes a difference


enables us to provide brand new books to children and young people in care


secures new educational resources for children in care including learning activities, games, puzzles and more


Helps The Pyjama Foundation to provide two training kits for two Pyjama Angel mentors (a vital starter kit they need to become a volunteer)


Provides a child or young person in care their very own mentor who visits them each week, igniting a love for learning and empower them with life skills and confidence to achieve their dreams. 

How to get started

Step 1: Choose Your Fundraising Path

Whether it's running a marathon, taking on a monthly challenge, or donating instead of giving (or receiving) gifts, kickstart your journey to support kids in care by organising your own fundraiser.

Not quite sure how you would like to raise funds? Our friendly team is here to help you with fundraising tips!

Step 2: Plan Your Event - Keep it simple!

Pick an activity, choose a date or location, set a fundraising target, and brainstorm how to spread the word. Identify who your key supporters are, including local businesses, schools, and colleagues. Keep everyone in the loop leading up to your event and show your gratitude.

Step 3: Reach Out

Contact us at for assistance, including posters, flyers, and fundraising page setup.

Step 4: Create Your Fundraising Page

Once approved, effortlessly set up your online fundraising page on our website. Define your goal and keep supporters informed. We can assist you if you need any help.

Step 5: Spread the Word

Share your fundraising venture with family, friends, and colleagues. Keep them updated on your progress.

Step 6: Host Your Event

Capture moments, update your progress, and celebrate milestones.

Step 7: Show Appreciation

Thank everyone who backed your fundraiser.

Deposit raised funds to us either through our online platform (your fundraising page) or by bank transfer (details below).

Don't forget to email with your transfer details for a tax deductible receipt.

Bank Transfer Details
Account Name: The Pyjama Foundation
BSB: 064-127
Account Number: 1034 0668
Description: Insert name of individual/workplace/school/community group Remittance:

Email us at with transfer details for your tax receipt.