About Teen Life Skills (TLS)
We recognise the challenges of supporting teenagers and young adults and want to help our volunteers to be able to stay connected for longer.
Teen Life Skills Program (TLS) is an extension of the Love of Learning Program, for young people aged 12-24. This program focuses on four key protective factors: a sense of self and self-awareness, goal setting skills and resilience, health and wellbeing and cultural and community connections and support.

- TLS has Federal Government funding to help young people engage in education, work ready programs and the community more generally.
- TLS offers additional resources and workshops, as well as support from a dedicated coordinator at Head Office.
- Our aim is to help youth in out-of-home-care to develop life, educational and vocational skills to promote inclusion and build community resilience.
- Our vision is that all young people living in, and transitioning out of, out-of-home-care are self- aware, connected, responsible, resilient and have goals and aspirations.

What is the goal for Teen Life Skills?
Teen Life Skills (TLS) provides young people with a caring mentor who creates a fun and engaging environment to guide the young person along a journey of self discovery, learning and achievement.
Young adulthood is a particularly vulnerable time and so support is of particular relevance as decisions that affect future direction, achievement and wellbeing are being made.
Studies have shown that having access to a trusted adult in adolescence has the potential to lead to the reduction of harm, and improved future wellbeing and potential.

So, how does it all work?
Teen Life Skills focuses on four key protective factors: A sense of self and self awareness, goal setting skills and resilience, health and wellbeing, and cultural and community connections and support. This is not a curriculum – the program is trauma-informed and responsive to each young person’s unique needs and goals. Our goal (through the above-mentioned protective factors) is to support young people in out-of-home-care to gain equitable access to the resources, relationships and opportunities they need to achieve positive wellbeing and success as they transition to adulthood.

How can a young person/teen get involved?
Teen Life Skills currently operates throughout Queensland, New South Wales and Victoria. If you know a young person you think would benefit from this Program, please use our online referral form and we will be in touch.